Local governments face complex challenges. ClearPoint Strategy helps align departments, visualize connections, and enhance performance management for better outcomes..

Table of Contents

The Importance of a Balanced Scorecard in Local Government

Local governments operate in a complex environment where diverse departments must work together to achieve community-wide goals. From public safety and transportation to parks and recreation, each department plays a vital role in shaping the community’s future. This is where the balanced scorecard shines—by aligning diverse departmental goals and translating high-level strategies into actionable, measurable outcomes. It ensures that each department’s contribution plays its part in the bigger picture, fostering transparency and accountability, which are vital for public trust.  

The Challenge: Connecting the Dots Across Departments

Example for Linkages Across Departments

A common challenge in local governments is demonstrating how efforts in one department impact another. For instance, enhancing public safety might require initiatives from police and fire departments, transportation, parks, and recreation. Without a robust tool to map out and visualize these causal linkages, governments risk working in silos, where departments operate independently—missing opportunities for collaboration and efficiency.  

How ClearPoint Strategy Helps Overcome These Challenges

Project Management Dashboard, Strategy Map, Alignment Matrix

ClearPoint Strategy was specifically designed to address these challenges, alignment and collaboration features like strategy maps, automated data collection, project management dashboards, help to make these invisible connections visible.

  1. Strategy Maps and Alignment Matrices

Strategy maps and alignment matrices are powerful tools that help local governments visualize how various departmental goals connect and influence one another. In the case of a balanced scorecard, this is essential for:

  • Demonstrating Cause-and-Effect Relationships: These tools allow governments to clearly show how actions in one department (e.g., improving public infrastructure) contribute to broader objectives (e.g., reducing crime rates or improving public safety).
  • Ensuring Cross-Departmental Alignment: Strategy maps visually represent how different departments' efforts are aligned with overarching government goals, ensuring that each department is working toward the same strategic outcomes.
  • Avoiding Silos: By mapping out these linkages, departments can see how their work fits into the bigger picture, promoting collaboration and preventing isolated efforts.

This visual clarity makes it easier to communicate complex strategies to stakeholders and ensures that departments don’t stray from the shared goals.

  1. Automated Data Collection

Automating the process of collecting data is a necessity for effective local government performance management. It eliminates the need to chase down updates and performance metrics from different departments and ensures that decision-makers always have up-to-date information. Key benefits include:

  • Saving Time: Instead of manually tracking down data from various sources, ClearPoint automatically pulls performance metrics and updates dashboards in real-time, allowing government officials to focus on analyzing data rather than gathering it.
  • Ensuring Data Accuracy: Automation reduces the risk of human error in data entry, leading to more accurate reporting.
  • Enhances visibility & collaboration: By automatically updating data across departments, ClearPoint provides everyone with access to the same real-time information. This transparency fosters better communication between departments, ensuring everyone is on the same page.  

ClearPoint’s software doesn’t just stop at visualizing data—it empowers local governments to adjust strategies dynamically. As new data comes in, ClearPoint allows for real-time updates to strategy maps, ensuring that governments can pivot quickly in response to changing circumstances. This adaptability is crucial in managing the complex, interconnected challenges faced by local governments today.

  1. Project Management Dashboards: Keeping Track of Progress and Accountability

ClearPoint's ability to integrate data from multiple departments into a single, cohesive dashboard is a game-changer. Project management dashboards provide a comprehensive view of ongoing initiatives, helping local governments manage complex projects across multiple departments. Here’s how they help:

  • Centralizing Information: Dashboards consolidate project updates, timelines, milestones, and outcomes, offering a single source of truth for government officials.
  • Tracking Performance: Governments can easily monitor the progress of key projects, see which ones are on track, and identify bottlenecks or delays that could affect strategic goals.
  • Enhancing Accountability: By linking projects to specific goals and performance indicators, the dashboard ensures that every department is accountable for delivering results that align with broader strategic objectives.  

These dashboards not only help in managing day-to-day operations but also ensure that projects are completed on time and contribute directly to strategic priorities, which is essential in a balanced scorecard framework.

Case Study: Arapahoe County, Colorado

Arapahoe County Local Government Community Dashboard

When Arapahoe County launched its Performance Management Program in 2016, the initial focus was on gathering as much data as possible. At the time, data was not being tracked on a large scale, and what little data was collected remained siloed and disconnected. Employees struggled to locate data and understand its relevance.

With the implementation of ClearPoint, the county transformed its performance management by seamlessly linking strategic objectives across multiple departments. This integrated approach enabled them to clearly see how efforts in areas like transportation and community services directly influenced public safety outcomes. As a result, Arapahoe County was able to coordinate department efforts more effectively, leading to improved public safety and an overall better quality of life for residents.

You can read more about Arapahoe County's success story with ClearPoint Strategy, which showcases how the software enabled them to achieve greater strategic alignment and accountability.

Read more about how Arapahoe County leverages ClearPoint Strategy.

The Expertise Behind ClearPoint Strategy

What truly sets ClearPoint apart is the deep expertise behind the platform, particularly from its founders, Dylan Miyake and Ted Jackson. Both have extensive experience with the Balanced Scorecard methodology, which they have used to guide numerous organizations toward strategic success. Their journey began long before ClearPoint was founded, during their time working at Balanced Scorecard Collaborative, Inc. (BSC) with Drs. Robert Kaplan and David Norton, the creators of the Balanced Scorecard concept.

Dylan and Ted’s hands-on experience in developing and implementing balanced scorecards for various organizations has directly informed the design and functionality of ClearPoint Strategy. They understood that local governments needed more than just a tracking tool—they needed a comprehensive solution that could bridge the gap between strategy formulation and execution. This insight led to the creation of ClearPoint Strategy; a software specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of local governments.

Their work at BSC provided them with a deep understanding of the complexities involved in aligning strategy across diverse departments, which they have applied to ClearPoint’s features. This includes the ability to map causal linkages, track performance metrics, and adjust strategies on the fly—capabilities that are essential for local governments aiming to achieve integrated, community-wide goals.

Download our FREE eBook and access local government balanced scorecard strategy map examples.

Why Choose ClearPoint Strategy?

ClearPoint Strategy is more than just a software solution—it’s a product built on decades of expertise in the Balanced Scorecard methodology. For local governments, the ability to demonstrate how actions in one department affect the broader community is crucial. ClearPoint offers the tools needed not only to manage balanced scorecards but also to visualize and track causal linkages across departments. This ensures that your entire organization is aligned and working towards shared goals, leading to better outcomes for the community.

Explore more about how balanced scorecards can drive local government success and see why ClearPoint Strategy is the right choice for your needs.

Enhance strategic alignment and performance management, demo ClearPoint Strategy today.