Do your strategic projects look like a three-ring circus?
That’s a lot to ask of anyone. If you don’t have a way to manage your projects and keep your team on the same page, your timeline will be continually pushed back and your budget busted.
There’s no question that every organization needs a tool to help manage its strategic projects. Here are some critical functions that simply can’t be accomplished with paper or spreadsheets:
ClearPoint can help you do all these things, easily and as a natural extension of your strategic planning process.
ClearPoint is comprehensive strategy management software. Our technology includes some useful tools to help you manage strategic projects, but isn’t built to manage and track all project details. We cannot track the scheduling of individuals and the timing of delivering materials to a project site. Of course, with a little configuring, you can track budgets and link the budgets together to an overall measure tracking strategic project spend vs plan.
Why is it important to draw this line between strategic projects and all projects? Odds are, your internal teams are using different project management tools and your leadership team isn’t getting a clear picture of which projects are moving the organization’s strategy forward. ClearPoint can be the hub of information for your most important projects—nitty-gritty details might still live in each team’s project management system, but we help you track and report on the projects that impact your strategy.
The project management tools built into ClearPoint’s strategy software give you:
We realize that every project is different. ClearPoint allows you to customize how you track your projects, including:
While every project is different, you still need to manage and report on projects using consistent methods across the organization. ClearPoint’s structure allows you to make “rules” to ensure your leadership team reports all have the same look and feel, even though the information is coming from different systems and teams. You have flexible customization options, but can enforce consistency with standardized:
It’s easy to change your tracking and reporting rules, which can then be applied in bulk or to specific projects. This can save your organization a ton of time while also maintaining consistency.
Everyone should be able to see how their projects contribute to the overall organizational strategy. ClearPoint creates that transparency with built-in tools for:
Consistent communication is an important aspect to project management, and ClearPoint helps you simplify your messaging channels. You can:
As we mentioned in the beginning of this article, your leadership team needs to know how your strategic projects are performing. ClearPoint offers several types of project management dashboards. You’ll be able to provide a project status snapshot and convey information that helps leaders make informed decisions. Use ClearPoint’s dashboards to:
Remember, you shouldn’t be summarizing the status of all projects in your organization, and likely not even all of your strategic projects. Your status dashboard should show the handful of high-priority projects that have the biggest impact on your strategy.
Most organizations doing complex capital projects or resource-intensive projects use Microsoft Project or something similar for their detailed project management. You can retain all of these systems and integrate them with ClearPoint, without having to sacrifice any functionality. ClearPoint includes:
Overall, ClearPoint’s project management tools help you manage, track, and report on strategic projects in a consistent manner. You’ll be able to get different teams across your organization involved in and contributing to your strategy. And your leaders will finally have an accurate picture of how projects are aligned with your strategy and driving your goals. Most importantly, all this information will be located in one place.
To learn more about our project management tools, request a demo.