6 Time-Saving Management Reporting Techniques That Could Save You Hundreds Of Hours
Vice President of Customer Success & Rochesterian

Joseph is the Vice President of Customer Success at ClearPoint

Just because it isn’t broke doesn’t mean you shouldn’t fix it!

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“Our management reporting system isn’t up-to-date or anything, but it works pretty well for us…”

This is a story we’ve heard far too often from companies who are using outdated reporting methods (like Excel spreadsheets or PowerPoint presentations). But we’ve also heard some of those same companies follow that sentiment up with:

“...but after examining our process more critically, we think it can be improved upon.”

If this sounds like you, you’ll be glad to know that the six top-notch tips below can help you save a great deal of time and allow you to see better outcomes. And the good news is, executing on these techniques is as simple as switching to a more efficient management reporting system.

6 Time-Saving Management Reporting Techniques That Could Save You Hundreds Of Hours

1. Make bulk changes and edits with updated information.

If you’re using a static management reporting system like Excel, making bulk changes is impossible. If you want to update multiple items, you just have to rebuild the spreadsheet. But use management reporting software, and a few clicks will update all data appropriately.

Bulk updates also ensure that all measures are using the same changes. If you get interrupted half way through some edits in Excel, there is a chance that many of your measures will have the old evaluations and not the new ones.

2. Manage all report owners in one place.

If you’re in charge of report creation, you may be spending quite a bit of time chasing updates from report owners so you can update all pertinent data. Of course, this method is frustrating and time-consuming. With management reporting software, you can easily see which report owners have updated their data and send out reminders to those who have not.

You can also receive automated notifications when information is updated and view an audit log of changes. This means you won’t have to spend time searching a variety of spreadsheets trying to identify what has changed.

3. Import all data sources to one place.

Let’s be honest: it is eternally frustrating to go to meetings and have measure owners show up with different data from their own spreadsheets. But if you only use software (and printouts from the software), you won’t have this problem.

Using a tool like Data Loader in ClearPoint’s reporting software allows you to make sure all information is up-to-date with little effort and very low possibility of error. In fact, we have clients who are easily saving themselves two full days of work every month with this tool, which adds up to nearly a month every year they’re getting back.

4. Track action items that come out of meetings.

How many meetings have you been in where you write your actions on a whiteboard or flip charts, and once the meeting is over they’re erased from the board and your memory? If you spend valuable leadership time discussing your strategic future, you should ensure your action items are always captured at every strategy meeting. If you’re using an outdated management reporting system, like pencils and notebooks, they probably are not. The right reporting software makes it simple to create action items, assign owners, and take action thereafter.

5. Be sure human error doesn’t mess up your reporting.

One of the biggest issues with adding data into your reports is the potential for data errors, version control issues, and formatting nightmares. For example, let’s say you’re involved in the strategic execution for a municipality and you’ve made a decision to invest more in public safety—but then you find out the choice was made based on a human error in calculation and the money could’ve been spent somewhere else. This sort of situation happens more often than you might think! Great management reporting software reduces the possibility that a situation like this will occur. And if it does occur, then you have the opportunity to see the error, rectify it, and redirect your spending to higher value projects.

6. Push updated reporting information live to your website.

Pushing PDF reports or community dashboards directly to your website is critical if you’re involved in a municipality. But if you use Excel or a bare-bones reporting system, this process has to be done manually. With ClearPoint or another robust management reporting system, you can push any data you’d like live to your website at any time, which could save you hours.

We have many municipal customers that create a community dashboard relevant to their citizens with information that comes from their strategy management system. The overall process has all of their information, but only the most important parts are made public.