11 Mission Vs. Vision Statement Examples In Government & Healthcare
Senior Account Executive & True Crime Fanatic

RJ drives new business for ClearPoint, guiding prospective clients through the sales process.

See how the two foundational elements of your strategy fit together.

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Organizations with clear mission and vision statements as part of a defined strategy are more successful. So, it shouldn’t be a choice of mission statement versus vision statement—these are two pieces of the same puzzle you’ll fit together when creating your strategic plan. Mission and vision have different, but important, parts to play for your organization.

In this article, we’ll show you some of the best examples we’ve seen of the interplay between mission and vision in the local government, healthcare, and finance industries.

ClearPoint Strategy simplifies this process by providing a comprehensive platform that helps you develop, track, and align these foundational elements with your strategic goals. With ClearPoint, you can ensure your mission and vision statements drive organizational success and are more than just words on a page. In this article, we explore the differences between mission and vision statements and provide examples from various sectors.

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Let us show you some of the best examples we’ve seen of the interplay between mission and vision in the local government, healthcare, and finance industries.

Vision Vs. Mission Statement: Definitions

Two of our previous articles focused on mission and vision statements individually. The mission is focused on the purpose of your organization and your competitive advantage. The vision is focused on how you want your organization to develop in the future.  To recap further:

Mission statements define why your business exists and why it’s important, including the problems you aim to solve with your product or service. The mission explains an organization’s plan for the present based on what it wants to achieve. Some are long, some are short, some are measurable, others aren’t—mission statements vary by industry but all should be unique and realistic.

Vision statements declare where your organization wants to be in the future, framed in an aspirational, forward-thinking manner. Visions should be creative, ambitious, and have a logical connection to the mission. This isn’t a road map (that’s what your strategy is for), but rather the destination based on your mission. Vision statements help organizations make strategic decisions, aligning effort with goals.

How can you tell the difference? Mission statements are more externally focused, telling the world why the company exists. Vision statements can have both an external and internal focus, guiding employee efforts and strategic decision making, as well as broadcasting your company’s grandest ambitions. In some cases, organizations use their own, slightly different definitions of mission and vision, but these statements will always have the company’s vision of a better future and language around what differentiates it from competitors. This is a critical first step to defining your strategy.

An Alternative Set Of Terms: Objective, Advantage & Scope

Another way of talking about the concepts of mission and vision is the Objective, Advantage, and Scope framework.

  • The objective of the organization is essentially its mission—why the organization exists.
  • The advantage your organization offers is what sets you apart. It conveys your value proposition—how you do things differently or better than others—and is very similar to the ideas expressed in a vision statement.
  • The scope defines the sphere in which you’re operating. It defines what you will and will not do to achieve your objective. For example, you might focus on a particular segment of the population, a particular geographic location, or a particular way of serving your customers. Scope is often incorporated into vision statements.

These terms are less commonly used than “mission and vision statements,” but they can provide value as you try to articulate the uniqueness of your organization.

Qualities Of Mission & Vision Statements

While they are distinctly different, both mission and vision should:

  • Inform strategic planning
  • Inspire while still being achievable
  • Highlight what’s unique about your organization
  • Align with company values

As far as timing, both mission and vision are the first steps in defining your strategy. You can develop them in tandem or lead with your mission statement. We recommend the latter. Why? It’s a common pitfall to create a vision statement that’s too lofty and fluffy. If you start with the mission, you’ll have a more realistic anchor point for your ideal future state.

Below, we’ve rounded up some mission vs. vision statement examples to provide inspiration. But if you’re ready to start crafting your own vision statement, take a look at our step-by-step process for guidance.

11 Mission Vs. Vision Statement Examples In Government, Healthcare & Finance

Local Government

Hampton County, SC

  • Vision: “As one of the most progressive, small counties in the state, Hampton County seeks to uphold its…

            • Vibrant Economy...

            • Rural Quality of Life...

            • And Sense of Community Pride...”

  • Mission: “The mission of Hampton County Government is to provide quality public services in a timely and competent manner, and to work with the cooperation of the community and other local government units to create a vibrant and healthy physical, social and economic environment. Services shall be provided in a fair, respectful and professional manner consistent with available human, natural and economic resources.”

We condensed the vision statement, but you can see a clear tie with the three principles outlined in the mission. Notice the focus of the mission is to show what Hampton County’s government provides, whereas the vision shows what a thriving county aspires to. You can also see the language isn’t from a template—it’s tailored for a small rural county already proud of what it has accomplished, that wants to emphasize its continual focus on cooperation, efficiency, and service to its citizens.

City of Toronto, Canada

  • Vision: Toronto’s vision is four-pronged:

            • Toronto is a caring city.

            • Toronto is a clean, green and sustainable city.

            • Toronto is a dynamic city.

            • Toronto invests in quality of life.

  • Mission: To serve a great city and its people

Toronto’s vision statement includes four perspectives, all of which most people would consider core tenets of a “great city”—the descriptor used in the mission statement. At a time when urban areas are facing a multitude of challenges, Toronto seems to be using this clear delineation to guide its strategic priorities for the years ahead.

Toronto’s vision statements are inspirational yet achievable; they also clearly reflect a desire to be a place that is a source of pride for Torontonians.

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Tri-County Health Department (TCHD)

  • Vision: “Optimal health across the lifespan for the populations we serve.”
  • Mission: “Promote, protect and improve the lifelong health of individuals and communities in Adams, Arapahoe and Douglas Counties through the effective use of data, evidence-based prevention strategies, leadership, advocacy, partnerships, and the promotion of health equity.”

TCHD is the largest local health department in Colorado and has clearly put time into differentiating its mission vs. vision statements. Words like “optimal” and “lifespan” make it clear that TCHD’s vision is broad and aspirational—the organization aims for the best over decades. The mission then reiterates “lifelong,” listing the focus of TCHD’s activities in conjunction with results it wants to achieve. You can see how the vision and mission align, and easily imagine how the mission statement could translate into goals in a strategic plan.

Houston, TX Department Of Health And Human Services

  • Vision: “Self-sufficient families in safe and healthy communities.”
  • Mission: “The mission of the Houston Department of Health and Human Services is to work in partnership with the community to promote and protect the health and social well-being of Houstonians.”

This is one of the more interesting mission versus vision statement examples because it originates from a city department and is more specific than the overarching vision and mission of the city itself. This is not uncommon as it allows larger cities to narrow the focus of mission and visions within specific arenas.

In the case of Houston, the vision is very brief, but the mention of self-sufficiency is unique. This last phrase hints that the department is focusing its efforts on programs and services that foster citizens’ independence in attaining safe and healthy outcomes. The mission centers on partnering with the community—deliberate wording that suggests cooperation and goodwill.

Kansas City, MO

  • Vision: “Our local government will be nationally known for its transformative efforts that make Kansas City the diverse and sustainable community of choice for people to live, work, and play as a result of its safety; vibrant neighborhoods; business, educational, and cultural opportunities; connectedness; and vitality.”
  • Mission: “The mission of the City of Kansas City, Missouri is to deliver quality, customer-focused municipal services with an emphasis on public safety, neighborhood livability, job creation, responsible planning for economic growth, infrastructure improvements, transportation systems, public health, and the environment. In pursuit of this mission, we use data to make decisions and measure progress based on economic, social, and environmental factors.”

Both are longer statements, but each serves its distinct purpose without being repetitive. The vision statement describes Kansas City’s ideal world and uses ambitious phrasing like “nationally known” and “transformative.” The mission statement echoes the elements emphasized in the vision, particularly the customer focus, but also includes how the city will achieve its mission, with a focus on data-based decisions and measurable progress. This is a classic example of the lofty, future-focused vision and practical, present-day mission that helps to direct strategic decision making.

Is your city’s strategic plan missing a vision? Or mission?

Read about 8 important elements your strategy must have to be successful


Mayo Clinic

  • Vision: “Mayo Clinic will provide an unparalleled experience as the most trusted partner for health care.”
  • Mission: “To inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice, education and research.”

Mayo Clinic is internationally renowned for its quality of care, which is mirrored in its wording of these statements. The mission strikes a nice balance of aspirational and practical, with phrases like “hope” and “best care” grounded by the mentions of the clinic’s three operational focuses that will help it achieve its aims. The vision manages to address both patient experience and clinic reputation, while still being high-reaching and forward-thinking.

Alliance Health

  • Vision: Our vision is to be a leader in transforming the delivery of whole person care in North Carolina’s public sector.
  • Mission: Our mission is to improve the health and well-being of the people we serve by ensuring highly effective, community-based support and care.

Alliance Health is a managed care organization that partners with more than 2,000 private healthcare providers to help people recover from mental illness and substance use disorders. Its vision is powerful in that it references becoming a “leader” and talks about “transforming” the delivery of care; it’s a statement that’s likely to inspire employees and help them see the value of their work. The vision also uses the phrase “whole person care” to highlight what’s unique about the organization. Finally, it clearly states the scope of terms of a specific geographic region—North Carolina.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

  • Vision: “To accelerate progress against catastrophic disease at a global level.”
  • Mission: “The mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is to advance cures, and means of prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. Consistent with the vision of our founder Danny Thomas, no child is denied treatment based on race, religion or a family's ability to pay.”

St. Jude’s mission statement is well-crafted for many reasons. It’s action-oriented and weaves in a mention of the organization’s core value based on the founder’s vision. That value has a direct tie to how the hospital will achieve its mission. The vision is inspiring and ambitious, but doesn’t promise something it can’t deliver—the focus is on “progress” versus eradication. Both statements use the word “catastrophic,” linking the mission and vision and clarifying the focus of the organization.

Fox Chase Cancer Center

  • Vision: “To be a regional, national, and international leader in oncology nursing care and services.”
  • Mission: “The mission of Fox Chase Cancer Center is to prevail over cancer by marshaling hearts and minds in bold scientific discovery, pioneering prevention, and compassionate care.”

Fox Chase is a good mission vs. vision statement example because it uses different language in each, without confusing the two. The mission is creatively written, using phrases like “prevail” and “marshaling hearts and minds” that infuse energy and ambition into the statement. It also outlines the three areas it will focus on. The vision statement is briefer and centered on leadership, making it clear that this is its “destination.”

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Financial Sector

Fidelity Bank

  • Vision: We will be known as the most caring, trusted, and respected source of financial guidance and solutions in the communities we serve.
  • Mission: Like smart friends, we care deeply about your well-being and we will use our hearts and our heads to deliver the clarity and confidence you need to get where you want to be. (A more succinct version that’s also stated on their site: To help families, individuals, and businesses in our communities get where they want to be.)

In this case, the mission and vision fit nicely hand-in-hand. Together, they show how the character of the institution plays into what it hopes to achieve: Fidelity’s desire to be a caring bank will carve out its reputation as the most trustworthy source of financial guidance in the places where it operates. Both statements also put great emphasis on personal relationships, using phrases like “friends,” “families,” and “communities.”

Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB)

  • Vision: To be a model institution delivering exceptional service and influential policy advice to support the development of a thriving currency union.
  • Mission: Advancing the good of the people of the currency union by maintaining monetary and financial stability and promoting growth and development.

Founded in part to help facilitate the growth and development of the Eastern Caribbean States, ECCB’s purpose (mission) is to advance the financial capabilities of a large group of people, which is markedly different from Fidelity’s mission. Its vision is specific in that it clearly sets a priority (everything employees do should be in service of creating a “thriving currency union”) and tells how to get there (through providing “exceptional service” and “influential policy advice”).

The Key to Strategic Success: Integrating Mission and Vision

It’s important to note that mission and vision statements are usually paired with core values, which help employees and leadership alike align their work with the standards and desired outcomes of the organization.

Once you have your mission, vision, and values solidified, it’s critical to weave all three into the operations of your organization. And remember, don’t let these statements sit and gather dust. Incorporate them into company communications and review them regularly to make sure you’re on track and keeping everyone engaged.

ClearPoint can help you organize and manage these foundational elements of your strategy as you build out goals and measure progress.

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Our powerful software simplifies the process of defining, tracking, and achieving your strategic goals. Whether you're in healthcare, local government, or finance, ClearPoint provides the tools you need to ensure your mission and vision statements are more than just words—they become the foundation for your strategic success.

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Are mission and vision statements the same?

No, mission and vision statements are not the same. A mission statement describes the organization’s purpose, its reason for existing, and the key objectives that guide its operations. In contrast, a vision statement outlines the long-term goals and what the organization aspires to become in the future.

Are mission and vision statements still relevant?

Yes, mission and vision statements are still relevant. They provide direction, unify employees towards common goals, and communicate the organization’s purpose and aspirations to stakeholders. They help in strategic planning and decision-making processes by ensuring all efforts align with the organization’s core values and long-term objectives.

Are mission and vision statements important?

Yes, mission and vision statements are important because they:

- Provide Direction: Offer a clear path for the organization’s strategic initiatives.
- Unify Employees: Foster a shared sense of purpose and motivation among employees.
- Communicate Goals: Clearly articulate the organization’s purpose and aspirations to external stakeholders.
- Guide Decision-Making: Help in making consistent and aligned strategic decisions.
- Inspire Action: Motivate and inspire employees to work towards common goals.

What are mission, vision, and values?

- Mission: A statement that defines the organization’s core purpose and focus that normally remains unchanged over time. It answers the question, "Why do we exist?"
- Vision: A statement that describes what the organization aspires to become in the future. It answers the question, "What do we want to achieve?"
- Values: The core principles and ethical standards that guide the organization’s behaviors and decision-making processes. They answer the question, "What do we believe in?"

What are mission and vision statements?

- Mission Statement: A concise declaration of the organization’s core purpose, describing why it exists and what it does to achieve its goals.
- Vision Statement: A forward-looking statement that outlines the long-term aspirations and desired future position of the organization.